What a magical day it was yesterday! We came together to celebrate 14 years of being a part of the PNC group of education, a family of passionate and diverse learners and achievers.
It's been an incredible journey of growth, challenges, and triumphs, and we couldn't have done it without each and every one of you.
We're excited to share some moments from our 14th foundation day celebration with you. It was a day to remember from the laughter and cheers to the heartfelt speeches and awards.
We are proud of the impact we've had on our student's lives, and we're excited to continue making a difference in the years to come.
As we look forward to the future, we know that new challenges and opportunities lie ahead. But we are ready to take them on, with the same spirit of determination and passion that has brought us this far.
Happy 14th foundation day to all of us!
Let's share our happiness and appreciation with
#PNCeducation, and continue to inspire, empower, and transform lives.